Hey Girl, Thanks for Checking out my site!
Welcome, I'm Hutton! If we haven't met yet, here's a little background:
I am from Los Angeles. My Husband is too! We got married after graduating college together. We had our first baby in 2020 during the pandemic. And we became homeowners a year later in 2021!
I studied TV Production and I've worked various fields in TV from wardrobe, to casting, and even accounting. I quickly realized that no matter what job I took, working production full time while tying to start a family was not a sustainable lifestyle. Growing up in LA with my family in the same industry led to destructive behavior at an early age. I want to defy the odds by giving my family my time and attention. In order to do this, we've built a brand around what matters, living an Irie life!
Irie means to be at peace with oneself. We named our daughter Irie & eventually our company just fell into the name as well. Thus, Shop Irie Girl was born. We can't wait to see what our business holds for us in the future. As we continue to scale, I also have built a personal brand around Hutton Nicole blogging about my interests, hobbies, mom life, shopping, cooking, marriage, home projects, and so on. I hope you find something helpful or inspiring through my work and if you do feel inclined, click the shop button below to check out our small family owned business. :)