What is stopping you from living your dream life?
My life wasn’t always the perfect picture that you see online but I want you all to know that it is possible to build a life that lives up to the vision you once had as a little girl. This photo was taken a few years ago in the South of France and looking back now, I don’t think I would have believed you if you told me then that I would be a wife, a mom, and a homeowner in such a short time frame.
Let me start by telling you a few things that were stopping me from living my life to its fullest potential.
1. Living to please others. I never really took the time to ask myself, what do I want? I stopped trying to make everyone around me happy and I started focusing on myself and what I actually wanted out of life. It finally occurred to me - I love to nurture others and I loved taking care of people. I knew I wanted to be someone’s wife and a mom some day but I knew I didn’t want that with the person I was dating at the time.
2. Negativity. I lived in a negative space for so many years. I talked badly to myself, I allowed other people to talk badly to me and that’s exactly what I got out of life. Bad things always happened to me and I just accepted that my life sucked. Until one day I decided that wasn’t good enough anymore. I sought out therapy and implemented the tools I was given to break generational trauma. I started eating healthier, exercising, and speaking healthy affirmations to myself every day. I also finally accepted the fact that I was suffering from long term affects of untreated depression and that not everything was my fault. Its ok to not be ok.
3. Staying in spaces that were not meant for me. This is one of the hardest things to accept. I used to push and try to force things that didn’t bring me joy. Whether it be a relationship, a job, a living situation, etc. So many things that I thought were right for me but the longer I stayed, the unhappier I became. Now, when I notice something isn’t serving me any purpose I am able to walk away without any fear of what I may miss out on because I know that something better is going to come.
If you experience any of these issues, I hope you can find peace in knowing that you’re not alone. It is your responsibility to change your circumstances, no one else can do it for you. Only you can create the life that you’ve always dreamed of having. And maybe you need to ask yourself, what kind of life do I want to live? Life is always changing and evolving and it’s okay if that vision looks different now than it did 2 years ago. Life is meant to be lived, so do things that give you purpose and bring you joy. Focus on your mental health first and you will find the things that are meant for you. My life significantly improved and continues to do so as long as I continue to focus on my mental health, what I want out of life, and executing it in a positive mindset.
I didn’t get to post on mental health day but it goes without saying, it’s never too late to start working on your mental health and that’s why it is so important for me to start sharing more about my life experiences with you guys.
If you enjoyed this post and found it helpful, save it so you can look back when you find yourself falling into these behaviors.